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  1. You guys are amazing! I've enjoyed following your days on the bike! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a life event!!!! Congratulations!! And way to go Pam (and Finn!) providing the ways to accomplish such a huge dream! Those were the best pictures ever!!!!

  3. Fantastic and glad you guys made it there safely. It has been a blast to watch from day 1. Tomorrow my schedule will be all messed up since no more updates!! Save all the pics and revisit in the future. WELL DONE!!

  4. PS- love the final mileage tally!!!!

  5. Well done, Team!!! Awesome job!! Thanks for the great photos and narrative. It was great to be included. There's no place like home...even if it's across the state!

  6. Amazing! I bet this adventure has changed all people (and pup) involved. Congrats.

  7. Congratulations to the Moore Team! Your tenacity, endurance, and commitment is inspiring. Thank you for including us on your journey. The pictures and blog were something that I looked forward to everyday. Cheers, God bless, and welcome home!

    p.s. Enjoy sleeping in your own beds tonight.

  8. A much deserved celebration of 2300 miles! Wow, I am sure your homes wrapped their arms around you all and your beds felt the best ever! Great following you! Thanks for great pics and updates!

  9. Congratulations!!!! Job well done!


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