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Johnson City, TX



  1. How is the non-riding stuff going? How do you fight boredom on the road? Meals? Are you sleeping well at night?

    1. There is a grind to the day after day. We rest after showers when the ride is done. We have had a lot of Tex Mex. We make 40% of our dinners. Eat lunch from the trunk cooler, sandwiches. The camper is not working so we are in hotels every night. Some nights are good for sleeping others are not. Sometimes we have sore knees and shoulders.

  2. The back roads of America. I hope that upcoming your route will take you through some small towns; something more interesting than cows, horses and scrub land. Prayers.

  3. Although the Texas longhorns and alpacas were interesting! And what was Finn's complaint? lol

  4. You truly are seeing it all up close and personal!


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